12-inch Aperture Telescope
12-inch Aperture Telescope
Price includes GST
12″ f/5.0 Truss Tube Dobsonian Telescope
The 12″ telescope is our smallest truss tube telescope and it is the most portable one. In amateur astronomy circles there is an oft repeated quotation that “The Best Telescope is the one that gets used the most”. The easy portability combined with a large aperture of the the 12-inch is a distinct advantage. The 12-inch truss tube telescope may even be considered more portable than the 10-inch closed tube Dobsonian.
Aperture Telescopes 12-inch Truss Tube Dobsonian is the smallest among the large telescopes made by us. This telescope combines easy portability along with good light collection from the celestial objects. This truss tube telescope features quick assembly, repeatable alignment, extremely smooth movement and quality optics.
Big telescopes like our 12-inch perform very nicely on planets and Moon even from the city and its light polluted sky, the 12-inch telescope can resolve great details on Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, especially in the winters when the sky is steady. The views of the Moon, especially the terminator portion are nothing short of stunning. The resolution of a telescope depends on the diameter of the primary and the 12-inch telescope has a very good resolution useful for planetary views.
A 12-inch telescope in the city also shows great views of star clusters in the city conditions. The brightest of the globular star clusters look just about the same through a 10-inch scope in a city as they do through a 4-incher at a dark site, incredibly beautiful
When you take the 12-inch telescope to the hills, or dark places like villages, it gathers a lot of light as compared to the 8-inch and the 10-inch telescopes. Deep sky objects jump out of the eyepiece. Dust lanes of Andromeda galaxy become visible, you can see the faint outer regions of the Orion Nebula clearly. Let the Orion Nebula drift across the field of view, without disturbing the 12-inch, and you will be able to see details of the nebula till far out. Faint Messier objects like M76, M97, M61 and many more can be seen and observed in great detail.
The 12-inch is the baby of the truss tube telescopes from Aperture Telescopes. It is far easy to carry the telescope, as it collapses in three parts, viz. Upper tube assembly which is light weight; Truss tubes which is the lightest part. The heaviest part is the Lower Tube Assembly, and we provide a wheel barrow to move it around as well as put it in the boot of a car.
A truss is an assembly of straight columns that create a rigid structure. The columns of a truss are organized so that the assemblage as a whole behaves as a single object. A truss is made up of a web of triangles joined together to enable the even distribution of weight and the handling of changing tension and compression without bending or shearing. Truss Tubes are used on our larger telescopes as there are advantages to using the truss set up. Truss tubes makes a very strong optical tube with little or no vibrational motion or slipping. This is important with telescopes because the slightest unwanted motion can ruin the image. Second, the truss set up is very light. Trusses add great strength while drastically reducing weight of the telescope. Trusses also increase portability as they can be dismantled to carry and assembled quickly for observation.
Our Dobsonians feature Teflon bearings and move smoothly in both axes. The altazimuth mount is rock solid. We use marine plywood instead of popular MDF board in imported telescopes. The marine plywood covered with laminate becomes weatherproof, for a long duration, as compared to MDF which warps with dew and moisture, and becomes unusable over a short time.
The telescope comes with a Plössl eyepiece 25mm (50x), 1.25" standard. We provide the best zero power finder - Telrad, to locate objects in the sky easily.
Download Specifications Sheet
Telescope Design | Truss Tube Collapsible Dobsonian |
Materials used | Stainless Steel, Water proof marine ply, Veneer, laminate |
Finish | Hard PU clear weatherproof paint |
Primary Mirror | |
Mirror maker | Guan Shang Optical, Taiwan |
Mirror physical / optical diameter | 303 mm / 300 mm |
Mirror edge thickness | 35 mm |
Mirror weight | 6.5 kg |
Mirror coating | Aluminium + SiO2 Protective coating 92% reflectivity |
Focal length / focal ratio | 1505 mm, f/5 |
Mirror Cell | 9 point flotation cell |
Mirror cell material | Stainless Steel (304 grade) |
Secondary mirror size | 65 mm minor axis |
Upper tube assembly (UTA) | Dia 422 mm, Height 304 mm, 4.4 kg, covered with light eater black foam |
Lower tube assembly (LTA) | Height. = 600 mm, Width = 565mm |
Dobsonian Mounting | |
Weight of Rocker box + mirror box | 27 kg, weight to be lifted at wheelbarrow handle end – 8.8 kg |
Wheelbarrow length | 1530 mm |
Eyepiece height at zenith | 1450 mm |
Full height of telescope | 1608 mm |
Truss tubes length, dia., thickness, wt | 880 mm, 32 mm, 1.3 mm, 2.5 kg, all 8 tubes |
Teflon Side bearing / Ground Board | 32 x 32 x 5mm, 4 pieces / 50 x 50 x 5mm, 4 pieces |
Side bearing diameter | 390 mm |
Rocker box wall thickness | 28 mm |
Wheel barrow additional thickness | Add 180 mm both sides, 360 mm |
Shroud | Opaque two way stretchable lycra |
What’s in the box? | Telrad Finder,
Crayford Focuser dual speed. 25mm Plössl Eyepiece (1.25″), Alan key ‘T’ for collimation Wheelbarrow handles Shroud |
Optional Accessories |
Set of five eyepieces,
Laser collimator, |
What’s in the box? | Telrad Finder,
Crayford Focuser dual speed. 25mm Plössl Eyepiece (1.25″), Alan key ‘T’ for collimation Wheelbarrow handles Shroud |
Optional Accessories |
Set of five eyepieces,
Laser collimator, |
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